The Scrum Guide Poster (DE)

A gift idea for your Scrum team

Submitted by Peter Beck on 12/07/2015
Scrum Guide Poster

The Scrum Guide is today the undisputed definition of Scrum. So that the Scrum Guide can escape from the dusty environment of a drab website article and can easily be accessible by your team and your colleagues, we have designed the German Scrum Guide Poster. PDF of it can be downloaded from our website free of charge. Those who want to have a high quality print can order a copy here.

The way to the Scrum Guide was actually a rather long one. For many, the first description of Scrum was the article "The New New Product Development Game" by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka which was published in the Harvard Business Review in 1986. At least it was this very article that inspired Jeff Sutherland to Scrum. What Scrum really is has emerged more and more since then thanks to many inspect and adapt cycles. So the first book about Scrum "Agile Software Development with Scrum" by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle is interesting today mainly from a historical point of view. Since 2010, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber have regularly recorded in the Scrum Guide the, in their opinion, up-to-date valid understanding of Scrum. And so slowly it seems that now the Scrum definition becomes stable. Accordingly we can say today that the majority of the community has agreed on this definition of Scrum. What is Certainly not surprising because the creators of Scrum stand behind the definition.

The first 100 copies of the poster have already been sent for free. We are pleased to observe the high demand our poster evokes and increase the number of free prints to 200. So there are 100 more free copies for you to have!

Peter Beck

About the author

Peter Beck

Peter has set himself the task of creating companies that deliver value for their customers and employees. That was also the motivation behind his decision to found DasScrumTeam. Peter is a passionate Scrum Trainer (Certified Scrum Trainer, CST) and consultant with a solid background in engineering. Since 2007, he has trained and advised a wide range of development teams, specialist departments, project managers and those in leadership positions, helping them to apply the Scrum framework, agile planning methods and software engineering practices. Peter is a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing, TU) specialising in electrical engineering and information technology.

  • Experience with Scrum since 2004 as Team member, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Coach and Trainer.
  • Served as ScrumMaster in internationally distributed Scrum Teams
  • Co-founder and Product Owner at DasScrumTeam AG
  • Key interests: Agile companies and Scrum beyond Software

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